
Friday 5 June 2009

A full moon in June!

Sunday 7th June is a full moon - the strong sun moon of June. Perhaps I will get to charge up my spring water this time! Last time I didn't see the moon because she hid her beauty behind a cloud all evening. I got so tired from waiting that I fell asleep and missed my chance. June is a wonderful month, offering a brief respite from planting and harvesting. It is a time to enjoy the better weather and get out and about.

When the full moon comes up on Sunday, find some time to worship her beauty, seeing in what she represents, the loving, caring mother figure, someone who will watch over you. Someone you can tell your troubles to; someone who is consistent in your life.

On this lovely summer evening, take a dark bowl of water out into the moonlight, if you can and watch the moon's reflection in it. Why not think up a magic circle around yourself as you do it. This will protect you from any unwelcome forces and fill your mind with happy thoughts.

If you felt like it, you could put on a dark cloak for protection and to help you to raise some power, assisting you to blend into the night. Witches do not draw attention to themselves when working.

June is a good time for weddings to take place. If you know of anyone who is getting married at this time, it would be appropriate to give voice to your best wishes for them.

You could say the following words, whilst standing in the moonlight:

In this night and at this hour
I call upon the moon's great power.
Great Goddess of the Moon
Queen of every realm
Lady of infinite destiny,
Protectress and Mother of Witches
I call upon your wisdom
To pierce through the night
Cast upon me, your servant,
Your loving grace.
The enchantment has begun
From the heavens the power will come.

Credit: Llewelyn's Datebook for 2009

Monday 1 June 2009

Why Wicca?

I was brought up as a Christian and taught to believe that there is only one God and Jesus Christ is his son. Fair enough, but what about before that, what did people believe? They got along well enough worshiping the sun and the moon and whatever else had significance in their world. I have always felt very in tune with nature. I think many of us do feel that way and as I get older, I fell more and more protective of the earth and all its beautiful mysteries.

Wicca offers the opportunity to worship both a God and a Goddess and is more of a maternal religion, allowing us to be as one with mother Earth. There are no priests to tell us what to do and no expensive buildings to keep up. There are few rules to follow. We can worship alone or with others. Wicca is very much a religion that puts you at the centre. We are working with very powerful forces for change and therefore we need to be very careful about our methods.

'Aye, it harm none, do what you will.'

If you follow this rule, then you will have a lot of freedom. So long as what you are doing does no harm to anyone else, be it a person or an animal or society in general, then all will be well, or will it?

Let's examine that for a moment... Suppose you are offered a wonderful new job, just what you have been waiting for, but there is a snag. The job is hundreds of miles away and it will mean uprooting your family and all the chaos that will cause. What do you do? If you are a Christian, then you will probably pray about it, asking God to help you to make a decision, which will benefit the whole family, not just you. If you are a pagan, you will meditate on it, asking the God or Goddess to help you find the way. Witches pray too but we are not submitting to a fiery God who will throw us into hell if we don't do what we are told is right. Our God is the God of the forest. He manifests in different guises. He and his Goddess are within us, not in some distant heaven, far removed from the world.

What we need to understand is that what we seek has been there all along. We are back to being on our own. We and only we are responsible for our actions. There is no one else to blame if 'it all goes wrong'. It is a very powerful place to be, accepting that not everything is someone else's fault.

We can choose to see the beauty in our world, live in harmony with the natural world and take full responsibility for our actions.

Sunday 31 May 2009

So what is Wicca?

Wicca is now an accepted religion. The Wiccan way is not to seek converts, but that the way be made open to those, who for reasons of their own, seek and find the Craft.

And as it is willed, so mote it be.

Wiccian is a verb, meaning to cast spells. A wicce is a female who practises casting spells and a wicca is a male, who does the same. From 'wicca' derives middle English witche and the modern word 'witch'.

Wikk = magic, sorcery

Wikken = middle German - to predict

magick = true magick, not tricks performed by a magician

magic = deceptive magick, where the eye is deceived by sleight of hand.

Old English witan, which means 'to know' and other words, such as 'wise' are not related to the above.

Ref: A History of Witchcraft by Jeffrey B. Russell and Brooks Alexander.

Friday 29 May 2009

For the morning

In the morning, everything is new.
The day's blank slate lies before me,
ready for my writing.
May it be words of beauty I write.
May it be deeds of grace I do.
May it be thoughts of joy I think.
All the Holy Ones, listen:
this is what I pray.

from: A Pagan Book of Prayer by Ceisiwr Serith

Wednesday 27 May 2009

Crystal Ball

This is my crystal ball, which is used for scrying. After entering a meditative state of mind, it is possible to see events happening inside it. The trick is to keep your mind open and allow the thoughts to come to you, rather than trying too hard to see things for yourself.

In years gone by, witches used whatever came to hand. Therefore a witch who lived by the sea would be most likely to use a fisherman's float as a scrying tool because that is what she had available.

Nowadays we decorate our Christmas trees with balls of many colours, but many people forget that these were originally pagan tools, as was the custom of bringing in a small tree at Yule-time.

You too can use whatever is to hand. All you have to do is remember to bless it and charge it during a waxing moon. Keep your ball in a safe place and keep it clean.

If you can afford it, you can purchase a real crystal ball. There are many available to buy on the internet or in crystal shops. It should be regularly cleaned and kept safe and provided you do these things, it will bring you many years of fulfillment.