July Full Moon: The Blessing Moon, July 7th.
The Full Moon in July heralds in the time of the thunderstorms and the hottest days of the year, called the “dog days of summer.” In ancient Egypt, the dog star, Sithor, rose with the sun the most extreme heat. This star was considered a second sun, which they believed added to the heat. Egyptians celebrated the “dog days” because, when the star rose with the sun, the Nile’s annual flood would commence and bring life back to the land. In this time, it’s easy to have short tempers and little patience. Under this Thunder Moon, you could work for patience, peace, and, of course, a cooling summer shower.
Under this steamy Thunder Moon so bright,
I call for patience, peace, and calm this night.
May a cooling summer rain come bless the land soon,
Bringing relief, and joy to the earth, like a boon.
For the good of all, with harm to none,
By the Thunder Moon this spell is done!
--Ellen Dugan